Dear players,
here, we have gathered the most recent Android changes. They have been formerly published on the forum. A HUGE THANK YOU to our beta testers for their help in making the App better 💛.
Table of Contents
- QOL: use your keyboard to input custom numbers e.g., to enter the exact number of resources on the marketplace or the number of troops in the rally point.
- Registration to game round ends with appearing of the tier 2 items (day 40 on x1 speed, day 14 on x3 speed)
- We cleaned up behind the scenes to make the APP smaller, faster and better.
Chat Improvements
- Use long press to format text. Just press on the text and hold your finger there for a while and you will be able to use bold or italic.
- Like in the browser, you can now search for in-game links like coordinates, player names, kingdoms or villages and link them in a chat.
- Use your phone cache to copy a report link into a chat and the receiver can open that report with one click
Only in-game links will be shown as links in the chat. You can copy + paste external links as well, but they still will be shown as plain text. We keep it like this for several reasons, mainly to prevent attracting spammers who want to target you, our players.
Android 13 only
- Easier granting, denying or provoking push notification permission
- If you use themed icons, our icon will fit right in. Please share a screenshot of your individual style with us on discord
- Individual Language: Go to the system settings and choose another language as your system language for Kingdoms
Bug Fixes
- Reports: We fixed a bug that prevented changing the status of favored reports
- Robber Camp: Sometimes, when opening robber camps, the App crashed. This is fixed.
- Marking kingdoms on the map works again.
- Trade routes to World Wonders setup is fixed.
- Map search with coordinates is possible for any map tile.
- Kings can collect tributes from an NPC village again.
- Several bug and crash fixes.
Check out the latest Browser release notes here: 🖥 | Browser Release Notes
Have fun playing!
Your Travian Kingdoms Team
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