Welcome back to the Feedback Loop series. Today, we are visiting the hottest feedback and most popular suggestions from January to April of 2024. To bring your ideas to the table, join the discussions and share your advice on #feedback-loop channels on Discord.
- Comments from the community are written in bold
- Response from the Game Center starts with a π icon
Can we have an extra tab in the WW Rally Point for a better overview of troops and crop from other players? And a button to send all troops from a specific player back home?
π Good input! We know players are currently using Excel and loading page by page, which can be laborious. We will definitely consider this for our future Quality of Life improvements and might even extend it to include other villages. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Friendly farming or Score farming impacts the leaderboards and are tactics players wish to avoid seeing.
π Sharing your concern about the imbalance in the leaderboards. We’ve already marked this as a high-priority issue on our roadmap. Solutions are on their way to prevent the abuse you’ve observed with private farming, and we’ll address other scoring aspects as well.
Please add defense points for gray (inactive) villages so that it’s easier to identify the players who defend inactive players.
π We removed the def points long ago because it led to unwanted behavior. Players sent troops to inactive villages and attacked them to get off points. Now that we are working on a kingdom member cap cluster, the role of inactive villages can be included in plans. The cluster already has some reinforcement limitations for targets outside your kingdom’s control, meaning reinforcing inactive villages shouldn’t be possible once we’re done. Too early to say if this will all be done in one update or if we do a few smaller releases.
Why can’t I delete my account from the lobby? Contacting support seems unnecessary.
π Deleting your Account by contacting game support helps prevent unwanted deletions. The option now exists on the iOS App, and we will consider adding the function to the browser and Android with safety precautions.
Switching directly from one account to the next as a dual should be possible only after a cooldown.
π Yes, a cooldown would definitely help here, and this has now been added to our design board for further evaluation. It’s problematic that players are able to send attacks from multiple accounts as if they were owners by removing and re-adding them as duals.
If a King or Duke is banned for payment reasons, why not return treasures to the kingdom so we wouldn’t punish the rest of the team?
π Payment bans are usually resolved fast, and the reasons behind payment bans differ from player to player. It would require some effort to create a feature that transfers treasures and returns them after the case is resolved. So far, this doesn’t seem to be a high-priority wish, and we have more critical items waiting for their turn. If this becomes an issue for you, please use the #feedback-loop channels to discuss scenarios you’d like to avoid.
The snowfall effect in the lobby affects loading times. Can we deactivate this somehow?
π It is unclear how many players face the issue, and time spent in the lobby is usually short. We will not add this to our list of priorities, but as with the topic above, don’t hesitate to give more feedback if this causes bigger issues for you.
When selling stolen goods, players receive a random resource bonus on top. What if we got to choose the reward for stolen goods at the start of each round?
π We can discuss this and go over different options, one of which could be to provide all types of resources instead of just one. For now, let’s keep it as it is while we work through the existing backlog.
It should be easier to see if there are units in the healing tent that need to be healed. For example, add an indicator in the top left so you do not have to check the healing tent.
π We have a user scenario to implement a notification when troops arrive in the Healing Tent. This should be a somewhat simple feature with the desired impact and should fit the mobile interface as well. Getting a notification only when the tent is full is not enough, so thank you for your activity!
A treasury’s activation/deactivation time should be adjusted to the speed of the game world.
π Fair enough; it will be considered. First, though, we must check if anything speaks against it and what kind of dev effort we’d face. It was nice to see an example of how it could look coming from the players. This stuff does wonders in explaining your thinking.
It would be great to adjust the game world statistics so that it’s easier to compare your own account with the average number of all accounts.
π Let’s schedule a new community-wide feedback loop around in-game statistics and what information people are missing, and then get back to this topic. Hearing different points of view sounds like a good brainstorming session, and we’d also like to see how our needs might differ.
Can you make the hero’s current equipment more useful or introduce new equipment? Some items, like the Bag of thief, Breastplate, or Spyglass, need to be more helpful.
π Another topic we can organize to run everywhere in the community. The Fealty System added new effects and bonuses, so we can reflect on some of those with new equipment. We’ll call out to all smiths during the upcoming months.
Having more building queue slots on the fastest gameworlds would be nice. 5 building queue slots aren’t always enough to set them overnight.
π This is likely not something the general player base would prioritize; some might even vote against it. In the beginning, buildings finish faster than the average person sleeps π΄. Later, this would remove the need to decide which buildings to queue.
Victory points: Change the calculation time for night truce game worlds.
π High on the priority list in our upcoming Quality of Life improvements. Thank you for your activity and added insights! We understand the concern that if VP calculation occurs during night truce, there’s a lack of offensive capabilities to reduce the total VPs generated by kingdoms.
If I raid myself, the map should have a different attack color so I don’t have to inform my kingdom I don’t need defending.
π Different colors for friendlies or other attackers that do not need any reaction from the kingdom seem sensible. We’ll run over different scenarios before deciding where this fits on our design board. It is clearly something that would help out when self-raiding.
How about adding benefits for the hero’s level past 100?
π The hero revival cost and time are reduced on levels past 100. We do not have any existing plans to change that.
Can we have special worlds where only one Tribe can be chosen per kingdom?
π Surprisingly “hot” topic on the community side. This could open doors for Mayhem-type worlds, and there’s a lot to play with here. The user interface needs to be investigated before committing to the idea, but it sounds like a fun project!
Thank you for reading and for sharing your feedback and wishes so actively! In the next part, we will continue with community topics, starting with May’s π₯ Feedback Loop threads.