Kingdoms Dynasty: Winner Interview

Congratulations, Teutonic, on winning the first-ever Kingdoms Dynasty!! 🏆

Today, we have the pleasure of sitting down with the champions who have emerged victorious in this fierce contest of strategy, strength, and teamwork. Our honored guests are none other than Teutonic and their King Боевой Скуф. Join a grand and glorious winner’s tale!

👑 Could you share a bit about your background?  How long have you roamed the world of Travian Kingdoms?

Teutonics began its reign around February 2020; at the core of its composition was the leader Wahlberg and his young team of jumpers and some people from WiC; we were around 20-25. We started our aggressive journey in the Kingdom’s world when everyone signed up as Teutonic. Our first debut was against Team DOOM. We played not to win but to build a new paradigm based on total aggression and a very active game – create content and a stronger base.  We didn’t win many servers, but we didn’t play to win either. Our victory is a trick and a dynasty, and only once did we lose on a com server. On other servers, we had fun as a team and played for the content.

👑 How did you prepare for the Dynasty? Were there any special snacks or moments of relaxation before D-day?

We read the rules and understood that there would be no vacation and it would be a very long server, longer than x3 or x1 in nominal days. Our strategy was based on taking an early advantage, joining the leaders in combination with 3 WWs, a minimum bonus of 25% from the mountains, and a 20% lead in VP we could guarantee ourselves a victory. Otherwise, with two WW, having only a 10% bonus, we would need a very large lead in VP to win. The ability to gain an early advantage is a Teutonic specialty. Preparations and discussions began 3 weeks in advance – it was decided to fight as men against the entire server, so all kings and dukes were defenders. The main attacking players were settled around the kingdom to create gray zones away from our mega.

👑 Tell us about the epic journey of Teutonic and the important role teamwork played in securing your victory.

The team is a family, and there is nothing more important than family. Standing shoulder to shoulder, the Teutonic family destroyed everything in their path. The Teutonic family knows there is nothing more important than teamwork in this game. We play not for the gain of our personal accounts but for what is best for our family. Never betray your family!

👑 At what moment did you know the win was within your grasp, and do you have any words of praise for your most formidable challengers?

We maintained a solid line of play throughout the entire server. Neither the dirty play against us nor the dirty joint actions helped our opponents. They put themselves in a position where they would need to take the top 1 WW in order to win. Teutonic held positions 4, 5, & 6 while the Turkish held 1st. We aligned the line of play relative to our desires, and due to the fact that everyone wanted to win, we used the opponents’ pixels against themselves, so there was no point in beating us. We realized that we had won only when we saw the Teutonic inscription 3 days after the end.

The plan for how we could win was drawn up at the 1st level of the WW; we clearly calculated all 16 possible scenarios that immediately gave us a 40% chance of winning from the beginning of the miracle race. Every day I increased our chances until day X when the last blows came. To be honest, I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn’t expect results, but when I woke up in the morning, my family wrote – victory!

A strategy based on releasing WW’s hammer at level 99 looks like hopeless. Up to level 99, opponents wasted an incredible amount of resources in vain, not understanding what goal they were coming to. By rolling us back, they only isolated the conflict among themselves in the race for 1st place. All our opponents thought that we did not have the resources to play in the miracle race. The Teutonic style is dominance as long as the mathematics of the game allows, after that we switch our focus to defense, WWs, and holding VP. However, due to the large recruitment of the Ru zone, we were able to make several strikes to inflict a strategic defeat on the opponents. I think our overall strategy became the key to victory, just like the third miracle won in battle.

There will be no praise for our opponents. None of them played like warriors, and they always played against us in co-op. They come back time after time to waste their time (just siming something), and this time was no exception.

👑 As we look to the future of Kingdoms Dynasty, what changes would you like to see before the next round begins?

I wrote a lot of different posts on the forum, but they were all beautifully missed and forgotten, and no support from other players helped to implement any of the points. The first thing is to update the Rally Point to show more items per page or at least move the page switcher in RP to the top. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT WHEN FLIPPING IN RP! If you don’t play a lot, and often – you’ll never understand why.

The second is talents for heroes upon reaching level 100+, for example every 50 levels. Talents should provide bonuses in which reaching level 100 will become the prerogative of players so that the game becomes more dynamic.

Adding new races is an important part of the game since everyone has already played enough of the main ones.

It is necessary to rework the trapper for the Gauls. This building is basically useless and rarely used throughout the server. A better option would be a building that increases the speed of movement so that the Gauls would have a tactical and useful building option.

Lastly, increasing the stability of the servers, reducing lags of which even in the Dynasty’s server there was a huge amount – turning off starving, missing treasures during the collection of tribute, resources not arriving from farm, tribute, merchants, and logs with a delay of half a day, a small part of those problems were only on this server.

Devs, in general, need to work more with the community, the feeling that they are not playing but building a game – it’s very strange to build it without feedback from the community.

👑 Who in your team deserves a special mention? Who is the jester that always brings the best laughs?

There are no exceptional people on our team; anyone on the team is a member of our family, and our family never turns away from us. As long as we are united, we are invincible (undefeated).

I’d give Jester’s cup to Jero.

👑 How will this glorious win impact the future of Teutonic?

A good opportunity to hang up our own club. The team will probably try themselves in Pandora, since it has similar mechanics, additional races, and control over regions. Nobody really knows. The family will hold on to each other, and opponents will come and go. Perhaps we will once again light up the rock like we did with Ultra. Without new mechanics, sometimes you don’t want to play the game.

👑 And finally, what inscription shall we engrave on your trophy?

Thank you so much for doing the interview. Once the carving is ready, the final version of the trophy will be included in this article for all kingdoms to see.

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