The Achievement Hunt Continues

Dear players,

last year, we introduced 25 special achievements, each one linked to a specific mask. This year, we will introduce 6 more special achievements.🗿🎭

And yes, this means there will also be 6 new Halloween masks this year!

To not spoil the fun, we won’t share in advance how to get these achievements. We will leave it up to you to share hints on Discord!

And since most of you didn’t get all of last year’s achievements yet, here is an overview of them. Remember, you can only get them on Halloween Hunt worlds!

Halloween Hunt Achievements

1. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Research 10 units while wearing the Wizard mask. Counted when the research starts.

  • Mask: Wizard
  • Description: Science can be magic
  • Progress Bar: yes

2. Pumpkin Patch(er)

Improve units 50 times while wearing the Pumpkin mask.Counted when the improvement starts.

  • Mask:Pumpkin
  • Description:Just a little tweak
  • Progress Bar: yes

3. Ghost Rider

Destroy 60 building levels while wearing the Skull mask.

  • Mask: Skull
  • Description: The unstoppable force meets the ruinable object
  • Progress Bar: yes

4. Imhotep

Use 1,000 bandages while wearing the Mummy mask. Counted immediately as bandages are used.

  • Mask: Mummy
  • Description: This is no toilet paper
  • Progress Bar: yes

5. It’s alive!

Heal 6,666 units in the Healing Tent while wearing the Frankenstein’s Monster mask. Counted when healing starts (e.g., when troops are added to the healing queue).

  • Mask: Frankenstein’s Monster
  • Description: No lightning needed
  • Progress Bar: yes

6. Devil’s Toll

Gain 666 Silver from daily quests while wearing the Devil’s mask. Counts when collected.

  • Mask: Devil
  • Description: Demons gotta make a living too
  • Progress Bar: yes

7. Get off my lawn

Upgrade 100 levels of crop fields while wearing the Scarecrow mask. Counts when finished.

  • Mask: Scarecrow
  • Description: In the field, forevermore
  • Progress Bar: yes

8. The Silence of the Animals

Catch 500 animals in cages while wearing the Hannibal mask. Counts immediately as cages are used.

  • Mask: Hannibal
  • Description: Children of the night, what music they make
  • Progress Bar: yes

9. Dances with the Wolves

Capture 500 wolves while wearing the Werewolf mask.Counts immediately as cages are used.

  • Mask: Werewolf
  • Description: Not a fan of Silver
  • Progress Bar: yes

10. Slippery

Rescue 666 troops from traps while wearing the Sea Monster mask (any player, including yourself, but not from your own villages). Counted the instant troops are freed; they do not need to return to their village to count.

  • Mask: Sea Monster
  • Description: Catch me if you can
  • Progress Bar: yes

11. Cultured Reveler

Hold 20 small/large celebrations while wearing the Venetian mask. Counted when celebration starts.

  • Mask: Venetian Mask
  • Description: Only the finest masquerades will suffice
  • Progress Bar: yes

12. Snakes on the plain

Catch 500 snakes while wearing the Gorgon mask.Counts immediately as cages are used.

  • Mask: Gorgon
  • Description: A Rhumba of Sssnakes
  • Progress Bar: yes

13. Horns up

Defeat 1,000 Robbers with the Horn of the Natars equipped while wearing the Minotaur mask.

  • Mask: Minotaur
  • Description: Take back what’s yours (and use it)
  • Progress Bar: yes

14. An eye for an eye

Complete 100 successful (successful = one or more scouts return) scouting missions against other players while wearing the Cyclops mask.

  • Mask: Cyclops
  • Description: Keep an eye out
  • Progress Bar: yes

15. Clown Fiesta

Destroy a village with an ongoing celebration while wearing the Clown mask. The hero does not need to accompany the attack. The destroyed village can be the player’s own.

  • Mask: Scary Clown
  • Description: Birthday parties are often destroyed by one
  • Progress Bar: no

16. Environmentally Friendly

Upgrade 100 levels of wood fields while wearing the Dryad mask.Counts when finished.

  • Mask: Dryad
  • Description: For the trees
  • Progress Bar: yes

17. Iron Will

Upgrade 100 levels of iron fields while wearing the Dark Crescent Crown mask.Counts when finished.

  • Mask: Dark Crescent Crown
  • Description: Sit upon a throne of iron
  • Progress Bar: yes

18. No Grouch

Defeat 200 troops by counter-scouting while wearing the Groucho mask.Defeated spies only count for the owner of the village, which is spied out, not the supporters.

  • Mask: Groucho Glasses
  • Description: I mustache you a question
  • Progress Bar: yes

19. Bloodlust

Defeat 20,000 player troops (e.g., not robbers, Natars, or animals) as the attacker while wearing the Vampire mask. Caught animals supporting a village also do not count.

  • Mask: Vampire
  • Description: High Stakes
  • Progress Bar: yes

20. Every day is Friday

Defeat 13 heroes by attacking while wearing the Hockey mask.

  • Mask: Hockey
  • Description: A very unlucky day, just not for you
  • Progress Bar: yes

21. Blade Runner

Run over 100 fields with the hero in one trip while wearing the Cyborg mask. The hero can also be accompanied by other units.

  • Mask: Cyborg
  • Description: Robotic endurance
  • Progress Bar: no

22. Conductor of the night

Play with music enabled (and music volume =>1%) for a total of 8 hours while wearing the Phantom of the Opera mask.Browser only.

  • Mask: Phantom of the Opera
  • Description: Be a good listener
  • Progress Bar: yes

23. Loot Goblin

Sell 250 treasures while wearing the Goblin mask. Counted when the treasures are sold.

  • Mask: Goblin
  • Description: Ooh, shiny!
  • Progress Bar: yes

24. In carnage, I bloom

Participate with the hero in a battle with over 100,000 total defeated troops combined among the attacking player and all defending players while wearing the Flower mask.

  • Mask: Flower
  • Description: One needs sustenance to grow
  • Progress Bar: no

25. Masterful Surgeon

Fill the Healing Tent to the maximum of its capacity without losing any wounded troop while wearing the Scary Doctor mask.

  • Mask: Scary Doctor
  • Description: Requires a steady hand
  • Progress Bar: no

Did you remember all of them from last year? Which one do you still need to complete your collection? And here is a first for one of the new achievements: Which building can only be built in your capital village?

Join the discussion on Discord! 🗿🎭


See you there!

Your Travian Kingdoms Team

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