Welcome back to the Feedback Loop series. Today, we are visiting the hottest feedback and most popular suggestions from May to July of 2024. To bring your ideas to the table, join the discussions and share your advice on #feedback-loop channels on Discord.
- Comments from the community are written in bold
- Response from the Game Center starts with a 👑 icon
It is possible to determine whether the hero is in the village even with unsuccessful scouting. Killed scouts should have no influence on the hero points, so this wouldn’t be possible.
👑 Yes, every troop killed while the hero is present, including scouts, affects the hero points. Scouts are considered troops, so their deaths contribute to hero points. This is an intended game mechanic, and we do not plan to change it. Additionally, using this method has become a common tactic we do not intend to restrict.
It would be nice to see somewhere in the game on which date the better items appear. For example, add a box in the adventure tab with the dates when the items level 2 or 3 become available.
👑 The dates for when better items appear can currently be found in the Game World calendar on our Blog and in the corresponding Game World chat on Discord. To display them directly in the game would certainly make things more convenient. We’ll consider it for future updates.
The App is missing features, statistics, and tabs familiar from the browser version. What’s the plan?
👑 Our App development team is actively working on making the game more “on the go.” This includes adding missing features from the browser version. This is a longer project, and we’ll continue to release updates until you can play whenever, wherever.
Add new rankings:
Top 10 rankings summary for the entire world at the end of the gameworld. Some of these could come with new achievements based on gameworld or all-time stats.
- Total Overflowed resources and crop with an achievement of “Storage Manager” with the least overflowing resources.
- Total Trained Units
- Total Healed Units
- Total Starved Units
- Total Gold/Silver Earned/Spent
- Total Raided Resources
- Total number of own troops killed with “Opps…” achievement
- Percentage of troops that a person has in a specific gameworld.
- Total amount of produced resources
Global statistics from all accounts summed together per week or since the start of the world:
- Number of killed troops
- Number of attacks, raids, and sieges
- Average number of troops
- Total number of all troops in the world
- Total population in the world
- Average number of resources
- Number of conquered villages
- Number of settled villages
- Total earned experience points
- Total number of villages
Avatar related statistics:
- Total amount of produced resources
- Total amount of resources invested in troops
- Total number of trained troops
- Total overflow of resources
- Own status in relation to the game world
👑 Thank you for your valuable suggestions; we really appreciate them. We understand the strong desire for more detailed statistics and aim to reflect different playstyles in our new features and improvements. Expanding the Rankings would be a great way to achieve this. However, due to the complexity of these changes, it will take more time than initially expected. While we don’t have concrete plans on this specific topic yet, it’s a great suggestion, and we’re glad to see your interest in it!
The Gaul Trapper is weaker than the special buildings of the other tribes. The Gauls should receive a boost or something else useful with a new building. Some ideas for a new Gaul building:
- Speed-boosting building for infantry and siege weapons
- Super-smithy to further buff units
- Super-stonemason to make Gaul wall tougher
👑 The Gaul Trapper is essential for players in smaller Kingdoms or those focusing on survival, as it provides a necessary help to defense. It can also be useful for strong Kingdoms, for instance, by reducing the need for additional defenses against fake attacks. However, we recognize that the Trapper is less beneficial in the endgame, especially for strong Kingdoms. While it might be worth considering an enhancement or additional utility for the Trapper in the future, revising it is not a high priority at the moment.
A rebalance of the tribes would be welcome. For example, the Teutons are a strong tribe in terms of attacking power. Therefore, a rework of the troop balance, focusing on attack power, would be good. Especially Romans should receive a buff, but Gauls as well. In addition, a rework of the Roman defense.
👑 Every tribe has its own strength. For example, Teutons specialize in being stronger in combat, while Romans and Gauls have other things they are better at. While the game may not be perfectly balanced, it is relatively well-balanced when considering all the differences between tribes, not just combat strength. However, we are open to rebalancing certain aspects of the existing tribes, including addressing the specific areas you’ve mentioned, to make their unique playstyles more distinct and effective.
We will revisit the topic of rebalancing once we have finalized other topics that could influence it. Given the scope of these changes, we may implement adjustments gradually over time.
As designing new tribes takes a lot of time, what if we had one new troop type for the existing tribes? Here are some examples:
- Roman, Velite – Infantry, Equites Sagittarii – Cavalry
- Teuton, Slinger – Infantry, Teutonic Raider/Skirmisher – Cavalry
- Gaul, Bowman – Infantry, War Chariot – Cavalry.
👑 Adding a new troop type is actually much more complex than it might seem. It would require a significant overhaul of nearly every part of the game where troops are involved. In fact, adding a new tribe might not be much more effort than introducing additional troops. For now, we are prioritizing improvements to the base game and enhancing the player experience with existing features.
Dissolving a kingdom is impossible when the king is still in beginner’s protection. Please add a hint as to why you can’t do it exactly.
👑 That’s a good suggestion. With the introduction of the Fealty System, it is now also possible to disband kingdom unions. With this improvement, we have better opportunities to introduce such functions. We will look into adding a hint to clarify why dissolving the kingdom isn’t allowed when the king is in beginner’s protection.
Especially on x1 speed worlds, merchants’ runtime is sometimes quite long. What if the tournament square influenced the speed of the merchants as well? However, directly from the 1st field, you rarely have villages 20 fields away.
👑 We understand that waiting for merchants can be annoying. The Trade Office already helps indirectly by increasing carrying capacity, which reduces the number of deliveries needed. We’ll consider whether further improvements are possible. However, this is not a high priority at the moment.
As many gameworlds only have a few players left, close less active gameworlds to concentrate traffic on more active ones.
👑 Chicken or the egg problem. Players have different styles for playing Travian Kingdoms, which can vary by country, and we don’t want to dictate how they should play. Closing gameworlds would limit players’ freedom of choice and could result in losing players who are attached to their current world and people there. Contrary to what many believe, closing a world does not mean players automatically gather in other worlds. With careful planning, we’ll avoid spreading the player base too thin, direct players to alternative worlds, and skip restarting the least active ones.
Add a new tab in the Rally Point, next to the wounded troops, that filters the Hero’s attacks, raids, or whatever the Hero is doing. This helps diving deeper into farmlists.
👑 This suggestion aligns well with our goals to improve the Rally Point. It is also part of our list of Quality-of-Life improvements, on which we are continuously working. While we can’t provide a specific timeline for these improvements, the idea will definitely be considered as we work on future updates.
If you attack a smaller player, the attacker receives a morale malus. This is to protect small and inexperienced players from experienced players. However, this is now outdated and rarely necessary, especially since many players are involved in defending a village.
👑 The current morale malus may indeed be outdated, but with the kingdom limit in place, smaller players could still be at a disadvantage when facing larger players. Instead of removing the malus, we should consider improving the protection of smaller kingdoms, possibly by introducing a different malus that takes kingdom size into account. While we don’t have concrete plans on this topic yet, we will definitely consider it.
Please start more x2 speed worlds. The x1 speed might be too slow, and the x3 speed might be too fast. An x2 world is also better for new players because they often make mistakes at the beginning and then have to wait a long time before the world is finished and they can restart.
👑 Launching more x2 speed worlds is indeed part of our plan to cater to different play styles. We agree that x2 speed offers a good balance, especially for new players. Keep an eye out for our announcements and updates on upcoming x2 worlds.
Thank you for reading and for sharing your feedback and wishes so actively! In the next part, we will continue with community topics, starting with August’s 🔥 Feedback Loop threads.