The veil between the realms is thinning, and something wicked stirs in the shadows… 🕸️
Halloween Hunt starts on the 1st of October at 14:00 UTC+2, and comes with new content available only in HaHu worlds. The VIP Shop, Fair Menhirs, new adventures, and bug fixes will be rolled out to all worlds starting in October and onwards.
🎃 New Content Only on HaHu 2024
- New Achievements and Cosmetics
- New Community Challenges
- Implemented 2x weekly prestige multiplier
- Added and adapted HaHu shop bundles
- New VIP shop variation we call ‘Candy Shop’
All Halloween Hunt World Details
🚀 New Content on all October worlds
- An updated version of the VIP shop
- Fair Menhirs with early adventure changes have been added to HaHu and other October worlds
👾 Bug Fixes on all October worlds
- The combat simulator now correctly shows the impact of all Hero’s equipment.
- Adjusted the time when specific Achievements are granted to better match the in-game events.
- Traps can no longer be built in certain scenarios during vacation mode.
- Traps are always repaired at 50% of building time compared to new traps.
- Fixed a visual bug where Weekly prestige was showing incorrect numbers.
- Fixed a visual clashing issue in the Troop overview window.
- Gold confirmation is always asked when playing 4of5 Card game if confirmation is enabled.
- Fixed an issue with Fealty production calculation when extending Fealty boost.
- Fixed an issue where reinforcements were not always sent back if a player left a kingdom due to inactivity.
- Fixed a visual bug that shows zero crop in the App’s resource bar after upgrading storage capacity in the village.
All earlier Release Notes apply
🧳 Menhir Relocation Changes
To encourage fair play, our solution aims to tackle exploitable scenarios while making the early game easier for Kingdoms to grow and settle. Our plans for Menhir improvements also include changes to early adventures, which you can find in the table below.

- 4-4-4-6 resource tiles become the only eligible tiles to settle using Menhir.
- The resource fields are not destroyed when relocating. This means resource piles will not be added to your inventory anymore.
- Relocation via Menhir can only happen during Beginner’s Protection.
- The moment your second village is settled, your BP ends. The invited player can have no more than one village.
Please visit the Knowledge Base to get a better overview of Menhirs.
👣 Your New Early Adventures
- Horse
- 50 Ointments (was 25 ointments)
- Book of Wisdom
- 15 Cages | 40 Cages on HaHu 🎃
- Boots of Chicken
- 350 Silver
- 2.400 Resources in total (was 30 ointments)
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