Dear players,
Our next Test World will roll out on Thursday, August 1st, with the VIP Shop, Menhir relocation changes, and bug fixes. These release notes apply first to the TESTx5 and then to the new Worlds launching. Read more about the new features.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Kingdom: In certain cases, the “protection” button was shown instead of the “Invite to kingdom.” Now the buttons work as intended.
- Attack: Morale Malus no longer applies to Natars.
- Chat: Messages are now properly marked as read after a page refresh.
- Names: It’s no longer possible to impersonate other players or kingdoms.
- Tutorial: The arrow for “Call back troops” in the king’s tutorial is now correctly positioned.
- Kingdom: Tributes can now be seen and collected correctly from foreign vice-kings in the village details screen.
- Crop production: The horse drinking through bonus remains for troops coming back from robber hideouts and NPC villages
- Tributes: After collecting multiple tributes at once, the tooltip is now displayed correctly.
- Troop movement: Attacks and scout movements are now displayed separately in the village overview.
- Marketplace: Trade routes are now always scheduled according to your set timezone, and need to be reconfirmed after certain timezone changes.
- Kingdom: The treasury always exerts influence after coronation and uniting.
- Trapper: Traps are refunded instantly as soon as captured troops are deleted.
- Vacation: It’s now possible to send merchants or set up trade routes for yourself if you are on vacation.
- Marketplace: The confirmation popup for unlocking the 3rd merchant repetition now correctly displays 25 Gold.
- Buildings: Level 0 buildings no longer remain in the village after their construction order has been canceled.
- Quest: No error is displayed when selecting the “Residence level 5” or “Warehouse level 10” quest.
- Achievement: “I managed an Empire” achievement gets updated correctly when new villages are settled within your territory.
- Fealty System: When purchasing a shop bundle, your Fealty level no longer changes right after Beginner’s protection.
Newly added fixes 12.08.2024
- Lobby name: Test world no longer changes your lobby name
- Error message: “Invalid error” no longer shows up when granting protection to a player from another kingdom on your border
- VIP Shop buttons: General improvements
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